Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Contact Us!

Hi out there!
To all of you reading this blog, please let us know what you think! Remember that you can comment after each entry, and the comments are sent directly to my email. They aren't posted publically. So let us know what you think!
-Elizabeth and Kai


Spadoman said...

I have been reading all your updates. Quite a challenge to deal with this culture. So many differences than what USA citizens deal with here in the states. Even the poorest have some advantages. But help being sent down where you are has a difficult time getting to all those that need it for so many reasons. It isn't an all-at-once thing for one. It takes effort to build with what you have. As you build this for one person, another still goes without until it's their turn. All in all, it is great work that you and these organizations do to try to help people to have a little more and a better life. Thanks for that.

A lot of snow here. more than a foot on the ground, getting colder too. All is holding together really well.

Take care and be well

Peace to All.

Daniel said...

Hello! I just came across your blog today while searching for information on El Menco. I had a chance to meet you a couple of weeks ago with the Rotary group from Ohio/Iowa. I really enjoyed seeing and learning about the lifestyles in El Menco as well as the entire country. I am now in the process of seeing what I can do to make a difference down there. I work at a Hospital in Ohio, our healthcare facility can certainly can do something to assist.
I am excited about making another trip to Nicaragua next year. Send me an email if you get a chance to let me know if you need anything.
Dan Selby


Disenchanted Dreamer said...

This is a great blog. It is really interseting and great how you are working so hard to helpl El Menco. Beautiful pictures, beautiful stories, keep up the great work!